Sunday, January 30, 2011

So I've been slackin'

So I've started to slack since my husband left. It has been 2 weeks since the ship took the love of my life, I am oh so thankful that this is just a workup and not a deployment. I recieved a phone call yesturday. it was the best 39 minutes and 10 seconds of my life <3 I'm going crazy since he left, there's no doubt about that! He's now in the debation period on if he's ready to get out, stay Navy or go blue to green. Oh the never ending stream of choices!
My MIL has been here for about a week now helping me out with my little one :) Life other then that has been quite boring. Now real exciting. EXPECT, Next month my husband's ship is pulling into some where in southern california.....AND I'M FLYING DOWN THERE TO SEE HIM! Our little guy and I miss him oh so much! I just decided it would be a great chance, as I've never been to California.
My little boy is 2 months old today :( It seems like just yesturday I had him. It's sad seeing him grow up. This is going to be a short post since I've got a fussy little man <3
Until next time :)
-Navy Wife

Thursday, January 13, 2011

And so it begins..

My husband has duty tonight, so I'm going to the boat to say my goodbye's. Seeing him say goodbye to our little boy this morning tore my heart into a million little pieces. I just pray this underway goes by as fast as possible, he leaves VERY soon, and I'm already ready for him to be home. He told me I have to be strong, now that is easier said then done. I'm prepareing for breakdowns everyday, but a part of me is saying I've got to hold it together for our son, but another part is asking well when do I have time to breakdown and get the hurt out. Now, he's not gone very long, but anytime away is no fun at all. Right now, I've got a screaming baby who's been changed, burped, fed, cuddled, etc and nothing is seeming to calm him down. Now, I was told he can read off of my emotions, right now my emotions are pretty numb, so what is he taking off of that? He's seen me cry these past few days, because leading up to the goodbyes are always the worst, but the final goodbye is miserable. I know I have to hold myself together, but honestly I'm pretty sure I've already lost it. I'm in my husbands clothes, I sprayed the bed with his cologne, obviously I'll pull myself together when I go to the boat to see him, it hurts that I can bring our son with me, because for any of you that have been on an aircraft carrier know that there's a lot of stairs and well it's not really child friendly! (haha) We've got our one year wedding anniversary coming up in a week, and honestly I just want to ignore that date and act like it dosen't exsist, but I know I won't be able too.
I'm going to go tend to my crying baby, I'll will write more later after my goodbye.

Saying goodbye was the worst feeling in the world. Apart of me is so empty, I'm so over this already. I'm so ready for it to be over!
-Navy Wife

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh the never ending stream of emotions..

Oh today, has just been one of them days and oh it's not even half way over.
This upcoming underway, and when I say upcoming, I mean EXTREMLEY soon! is going to kill me! I'm already stressed out to my limits. I've got an insanely fussy baby today.
How am I going to do this on my own? I'm so gahhhh today. How am I going to handle a month old baby. Concentrate on FINALLY getting my license. Hold down the homefront. And still keep myself together.
This is failure in the making. So dear navy, i hate you. SERIOUSLY.
I'm trying to get my house cleaned up, as we've got a huge pile of dirty laundry sitting in the living room, as we've just got back from New Years leave. We went to Ohio for most of it, then went to Kansas to see my husband's parents. And of course I'm totally procrastinating, like normal. I totally wish I could write the Navy a letter and tell them how I am feeling right now.

-Navy Wife

Monday, January 10, 2011

Post #1

So I'm new at this thing.
Let me start by introducing myself, I'm Robin. I'm 19 years old, and I am married to the love of my life, my hero, my sailor Robert. We were married almost a year ago and we have a little boy named Christopher who came into this world on November 30th, he's our world! My husband has been in the United States Navy for almost 5 years now. It's tough being a military wife, but you learn to deal with the things that are thrown at you. (believe me though, it's not easy!) And even though you learn to get used to it, you never really get over the sleepness nights, the long time away, the worrying, the crying, but it will get easier.

-Navy Wife.